19 delegates
100% of delegates said they thought the course was either 'good or very good' with 89% saying it was 'very good'
Some comments from the delegates:
"Well researched and presented course – production of DVD of resources is very useful"
"Good use by the presenters of the knowledge and ideas of the delegates"
"Very useful day – some great ideas"
"Very informative and well delivered"
"Excellent and informative day"
"I will use the ideas shared now to engage my students"
"Another excellent day – fantastic resources to be used in school"
"Great background information for the non physics specialists"
"Excellent course – thank you"
"Lots of information and ideas – even for a seasoned Physicist"
"Thank you, looking forward to similar days for Chemistry and Biology"
Delegates identified future inset needs:-
‘Courses for non specialists’
‘Support with writing schemes of work’
‘A level training’
‘Possibility of presenters coming into school’